Cheating in E-learning from the perspective of lecturers within Iraqi universities
Cheating in E-learning from the perspective of lecturers within Iraqi universities
university , e-learning , electronic exam ,e-cheating , pilot study, Cronbach's Alpha ,G Power, IraqAbstract
Online examination is an integral and vital component of online learning. Student authentication is going to be widely seen when one of these major challenges within the online assessment. This study aims to investigate potential threats to student authentication in the online examinations. Adopting cheating in E-learning in a university of Iraq brings essential security issues for e-exam . In this document, these analysts suggested a model making use of a quantitative research style to confirm the suggested aspects and create this relationship between these. The major elements that might impact universities to adopt cheating electronics were declared as Educational methods, Organizational methods, Teaching methods, Technical methods. In order to verify that the design of the questionnaire, has been followed up with two steps of verification. First of all, a approval stage within that , the list of questions examined by the section of specialists in this subject in computer technology and teaching in universities, the feedback received was implemented before proceeding in order in order to this second stage . Second of all, the pilot research has been carried out to check the dependability of the factors . The gathered data has been examined using the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient dependability test in SPSS 18 software package. This final results demonstrated this all factors are dependable as they acquired a value of 0.9126 and above inside test.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mohammad Hasan Abd, Osamah Waleed Allawi, Jamal kh-madhloom

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