Handheld Devices Utilization for Cognitive Rehabilitation and Medical Assessment Based on Navstar Global Positioning System: Towards Brain-Rehabilitation
Navstar Global Positioning System (N-GPS); Electroencephalogram (EEG); Handheld Mobile Devices (HMD); Cognitive Rehabilitation SystemAbstract
There is less than a third of clinically competent brain patients in developed and developing countries utilizing brain rehabilitation through exercise. The lack of hospital-based rehabilitation services and long travel times impede participation. As a consequence, calls have been made for the creation of more adaptable substitutes. The creation of a system that enables the transmission of a patient's unique EEG, sample rate, N-GPS based speed, and position, as well as walking-based brain rehabilitation. A programmed handheld mobile device (HMD) transmits these data to a secure server where an exercise scientist can view them in real-time. To evaluate the viability of this approach, 134 brain patients who were unable to engage in hospital-based rehabilitation underwent remotely supervised exercise assessment and exercise sessions. Completion rates, technical participation, the ability to spot EEG changes, and the six-minute walk test conducted both before and after the participation. The device's efficiency and speed were praised. The participants were able to finish a six-week exercise-based rehabilitation program while they were on the go or close to their homes or places of employment. The bulk of sessions went off without a hitch or technical issues, however sporadic signal loss in underserved areas occasionally caused issues. There were many post-workout and exercise-related EEG abnormalities found. In all countries with data available, less than a third of clinically competent patients use exercise-based brain rehabilitation.
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