Types and Methods of Detecting the Penetration of MaliciousCargoes


  • Hasanain M. J. Alfouadi University of Al-Qadisiyah, Computer Center Iraq, Diwaniyah, 58002
  • Marwah Nafea Saeea University of Wasit, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Iraq, Wasit, 52001
  • Ali Fahem Neamah University of Wasit, computer science and IT faculty Iraq, Wasit, 52001
  • Ihtiram Raza Khan Department of Computer Science & Engineering,School of Engineering Sciences & TechnologyJamia Hamdard Delhi,India




Intrusion detection systems are management programs that detect possible attacks on networks and
computers, and usually do so by identifying information in the header of packages. But the cargo of packages
containing the main information can help detect abnormal traffic. This article examines the types of malicious cargo
and the different types of penetration detection systems and the methods offered to detect based on cargo. At the
end of this article, we will also introduce the Metasploit Framework, which is a framework used by testers and even
attackers and contains a variety of ready-made cargoes for different systems


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How to Cite

H. M. J. Alfouadi, Marwah Nafea Saeea, Ali Fahem Neamah, and Ihtiram Raza Khan, “Types and Methods of Detecting the Penetration of MaliciousCargoes”, WJCMS, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 107–114, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.31185/wjcms.224.