Concepts Of Bi-supra Topological Space Via graph Theory


  • Taha H Jasim Computer Science and Mathematics College / Tikrit University
  • Dr. Sami Abdullah Abed University of Diyala College of Administration and Economics
  • Ansam Ghazi Nsaif ALBU_Amer Wassit University



Concepts Of Bi-supra, closure


Definition of bi-supra topological space via graph theory was introduced in this study. We also studied some concepts related of bi supra-topological space via graph theory. "At least many theorems were proofed as a characterization and some examples introduced to explain the subject".


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How to Cite

Taha H Jasim, Dr. Sami Abdullah Abed, and Ansam Ghazi Nsaif ALBU_Amer, “Concepts Of Bi-supra Topological Space Via graph Theory”, WJCMS, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 59–64, Jun. 2022, doi: 10.31185/wjcm.Vol1.Iss2.37.