Texture Analysis and Classification using Local Binary Patterns and Statistical Features


  • Hasan Maher Software Department, College of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Mosul




Image Processing, Texture Analysis, Local Binary Patterns, Histogram of Oriented Gradients, Feature Extraction.


Texture analysis and classification are crucial in many applications such as medical applications, satellite imagery analysis, and so on. This paper presents a new technique that incorporates the LBP with the HOG to improve the texture analysis and classification. LBP is famous for finding out the local texture descriptors by comparing the pixel intensities it deals with and can challenge light variations and image transformations. On the other hand, there is HOG which emphasizes edge and gradient information to detect the orientation and shape of a texture in a given image. While LBP describes the local micro-patterns HOG gives the perspective of the global gradient orientation. The combined use of local and global texture information is helpful in the presented problem when prioritizing the recognition of complex texture patterns that cannot be deciphered by a single algorithm. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed hybrid method, several experiments are performed on several texture databases. According to the findings, the proposed LBP-HOG strategy proves more beneficial than basic LBP and HOG techniques concerning the classification rate and computing time. The combination method shows improved performance in terms of agreement with the reference of fine and coarse level of texture descriptions along with providing large-scale description of the texture which results in the improved discriminatory power of the texture classes.







How to Cite

H. Maher, “Texture Analysis and Classification using Local Binary Patterns and Statistical Features”, WJCMS, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 79–88, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.31185/wjcms.279.