Design an Improved Trust-based Quality of Service AwareRouting in Cognitive Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are wireless networks that can be configured at will. It has no infrastructure and centralized control, so it is only suitable for provisional communications. In a dynamically topological and resource-constrained network, ensuring QoS and security is challenging. MANETs are dynamic networks, so navigating them can be challenging and more susceptible to attacks. MANET requires significant memory, speed, and transmission bandwidth for conventional security measures like cryptographic techniques. Consequently, these methods are unsuitable for identifying malicious behaviour or self-centered nodes. Nodes that are malicious, selfish, or malfunctioning can be identified based on the trust method, which calculates how much trust exists between them. A trust-based QOS-aware routing protocol is proposed in this paper to calculate trust in MANET (I-TQAR). The tree important performance metrics are considered for result validation such as delay, throughput and packet delivery ratio (PDR). I-TQAR offers significantly improved performance in all areas compared to the existing TQR and TQOR protocols.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Dr. Alok Singh Chauhan, H Mary Henrietta

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