Machine Learning Empowered Software Prediction System


  • Asst.Prof.Dr. Abdul Syukor Mohamad Faculty of Computer Science / Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM)/Malaysia.



Analysis of Software Modules, Fuzzy Systems and Software Defects, Software Defects Analytics


Prediction of software defects is one of the most active study fields in software engineering today. Using a defect prediction model, a list of code prone to defects may be compiled. Using a defect prediction model, software may be made more reliable by identifying and discovering faults before or during the software enhancement process. Defect prediction will play an increasingly important role in the design process as the scope of software projects grows. Bugs or the number of bugs used to measure the performance of a defect prediction procedure are referred to as "bugs" in this context. Defect prediction models can incorporate a wide range of metrics, including source code and process measurements. Defects are determined using a variety of models. Using machine learning, the defect prediction model may be developed. Machine inclining in the second and third levels is dependent on the preparation and assessment of data (to break down model execution). Defect prediction models typically use 90 percent preparation information and 10 percent testing information. Improve prediction performance with the use of dynamic/semi-directed taking in, a machine learning approach. So that the results and conclusion may be sharply defined under many circumstances and factors, it is possible to establish a recreated domain to house the entire method. Computer-aided engineering (CAE) is being used to identify software defects in the context of neural networks. Neural network-based software fault prediction is compared to fuzzy logic fundamental results in this research paper. On numerous parameters, neural network training provides better and more effective outcomes, according to the recommended findings and outputs.

Author Biography

  • Asst.Prof.Dr. Abdul Syukor Mohamad, Faculty of Computer Science / Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM)/Malaysia.




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How to Cite

A. S. Mohamad, “Machine Learning Empowered Software Prediction System”, WJCMS, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 36–41, Sep. 2022, doi: 10.31185/wjcm.61.