Review Vehicular Ad hoc Networks Security Challenges and Future Technology

Networks Security Challenges and Future Technology


  • Haifaa Ahmed Hassan University of Mosul, College of Engineering, Iraq
  • Sahar Wahab khadim Ministry of Education, Karkh Second Directorate of Education, Iraq.





Vehicular Ad hok Networks (VANET) is an emerging technology with both a bright future and significant concerns, particularly in terms of security. This study focuses on three-part VANET security frameworks. The first gives a thorough review of the needs, difficulties, and characteristics of VANET security. In order to create a secure VANET architecture with effective party communication, certain needs should be taken into account. We provide information on current security designs as well as widely used security standard protocols. The second concentrates on a brand-new categorization of the various assaults described in the VANET literature and the remedies that go with them. The third compares a few of these options using established security standards for VANET. Then, in order to assist researchers for future usage, we call attention to many outstanding topics and technological obstacles linked to VANET security


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How to Cite

H. Ahmed Hassan and Sahar Wahab khadim, “Review Vehicular Ad hoc Networks Security Challenges and Future Technology: Networks Security Challenges and Future Technology”, WJCMS, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 1–9, Sep. 2022, doi: 10.31185/wjcm.50.