Fog Integrated Secured and Distributed Environment for Healthcare Industry with Software Defined Networking
Fog computing is a segment of cloud computing where a vast number of peripheral equipment links to the internet. The term "fog" indicates the edges of a cloud in which high performance can be achieved. Many of these devices will generate voluminous raw data as from sensors, and rather than forward all this data to cloud-based servers to be processed, the idea behind fog computing is to do as much processing as possible using computing units co-located with the data-generating devices, so that processed rather than raw data is forwarded, and bandwidth requirements are reduced. A major advantage of processing locally is that data is more often used for the same computation machine which produced the data. Also, the latency between data production and data consumption was reduced. This example is not fully original, since specially programmed hardware has long been used for signal processing. The work presents the integration of software defined networking with the association of fog environment to have the cavernous implementation patterns in the health care industry with higher degree of accuracy.
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