A Review on the Mechanism Mitigating and Eliminating Internet Crimes using Modern Technologies

Mitigating Internet crimes using modern technologies


  • Sahar Wahab khadim Ministry of Education, Karkh Second Directorate of Education, Iraq
  • oday Ali Hassen Ministry of Education, Wasit Education Directorate, Iraq
  • Hussein k. Ibrahim Waist University, College of Computer Science and Information Technology. Iraq




Cyber Crimes, AL, Telecommunication Infrastructure, HTTPS.


There is no doubting that contemporary technology creates new hazards, and these threats are many and significant, directly harming people's lives and threatening their stability. Because of the increased use of computers and Internet-connected cellphones in recent years, the problem of cybercrime has expanded substantially. Unquestionably, this kind of crime is now a reality that jeopardizes people's reputations and lives, therefore we must be aware of it to prevent being a victim. The exponential growth in internet connectedness is closely tied to a rise in cyberattack incidences, frequently with significant consequences. Malware is the weapon of choice for carrying out malicious intent in cyberspace, whether by exploiting pre-existing flaws or exploiting the unique properties of new technology. There is an urgent need in the cybersecurity area to develop more inventive and effective virus defense techniques. To do this, we first give an overview of the most often exploited vulnerabilities in the current hardware, software, and network layers. This follows criticism of the most recent mitigation efforts and the reasons why they may or may not be helpful. Following that, We'll talk about new attack methods for cutting-edge technologies including social networking, cloud computing, mobile technology, as well as critical infrastructure. We conclude by sharing our speculative findings on potential future research avenues.


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How to Cite

S. khadim, oday Ali Hassen, and H. Ibrahim, “A Review on the Mechanism Mitigating and Eliminating Internet Crimes using Modern Technologies: Mitigating Internet crimes using modern technologies”, WJCMS, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 50–68, Sep. 2022, doi: 10.31185/wjcm.48.