Mobile Tourism Recommender System for Users to Get a Better Choice of Tour


  • Mostafa. M.khater School of Medical Informatics and Engineering, Xuzhou Medical University, 209 Tongshan Road, 221004, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, PR China. & Department of Basic Science, Obour High Institute for Engineering and Technology, 11828, Cairo, Egypt. 2 School of Information Technology, Cambrian College, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
  • El-Sayed M. El-kenawy Department of Communications and Electronics, Delta Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mansoura 35111, Egypt
  • Mostafa Abotaleb Department of System Programming, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia



Recommendation system, tourism, filtering, collaborative


The system might include a turn-by-turn route highlight to prevent fake preferences that check if the user has taken the course. A larger customer overview with more participants is required to acquire more insightful client feedback. Our ex-amination was designed as a lab experiment to gather initial data straight absent. While making fun of other clients and their system comments, we looked at a few initial objective mixtures. Doing field research with actual clients using our suggested model in real-world situations (such as when looking for a course online to work from home) is crucial. This will help us better understand how effective our approach is. In this article, we developed a creative method for recommending multimodal travel routes. In a client survey with 20 participants, we evaluated the applicability of our cross-breed computation and its usability. The results show that CF, in-formation-based, and well-liked course concepts complement one more successfully than cutting-edge course organizer advances. Thanks to the Google Guides Programming interface, our application can give seven different elective trip options.


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How to Cite

Mostafa. M.khater, El-Sayed M. El-kenawy, and Mostafa Abotaleb, “Mobile Tourism Recommender System for Users to Get a Better Choice of Tour ”, WJCMS, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 81–85, Sep. 2023, doi: 10.31185/wjcms.186.

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