A digital signature system based on hand geometry - Survey
Basic Components of Hand-based Biometric System
Hand geometry, Biometric, Pattern recognition, Artificial neural networkAbstract
In recent years large number of emerging automated applications faces the need to have recognition abilities of persons using their own self biometrics, before they can access the applications services. Nowadays, Biometric recognition is used, it can be used as automatic identification or automatic verification of persons based on their physiological or behavioral characteristics. There are no perfect biometric measurements; each biometry has its advantages and limitations. Each biometry requires specific vital identity to answer the identification or verification question. The suitability of a particular biometry for a particular application depends on many factors. Hand geometry/shape is a very simple biometric technology that uses the measurements of human hand to verify the identity of the individuals. The measurements include the distance between certain mark points, shape and width of fingers and size of palm. The biometric systems that employing hand geometry become widely used since they have high public acceptance. This article aims to survey several articles found in literature about hand based biometric system, and to compare different methods of biometric recognition that based on hand geometry.
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