Maximizing Signal Quality for One Dimensional Cells In Mobile Communications
Interference Analysis, Path loss Modeling, Cellular Networks, Number of interfering cell tiers, Linear cells.Abstract
In this work, the cellular network performance based on other cell interference predictions is presented. It presents a mathematical model of co-channel interference analysis in hexagonal and linear cell shapes through a log-distance propagation model to investigate the effect of path loss exponent value on the received signal quality of the downlink. Simulation results obtained show that as the power exponent value increase, the interfering signals attenuation is increased resulting in received signal quality improvement. The signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) received by subscribers close to the cell edge will be less due to the contribution of the near-interfering cells especially when multiple layers of interfering cells are considered. The simulations confirmed that the impact of multi tiers of interfering cells cannot be ignored in systems of small cluster size as they may contribute to system performance degradation.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Adheed H. Sallomi, Sazan Kamiran Hasan, Jaafar Qassim Kadhim
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