Hybrid Feature Selection Approach to Improve the Deep Neural Network on New Flow-Based Dataset for NIDS


  • Rawaa Ismael Farhan Department of Computer Science, University of Technology, Wasit University, Iraq
  • Abeer Tariq Maolood Department of Computer Science, University of Technology, Iraq
  • NidaaFlaih Hassan Department of Computer Science, University of Technology, Iraq




Network Intrusion Detection System, Feature Selection


Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) detects normal and malicious behavior by analyzing network traffic, this analysis has the potential to detect novel attacks especially in IoT environments. Deep Learning (DL)has proven its outperformance compared to machine learning algorithms in solving the complex problems of the real-world like NIDS. Although, this approach needs more computational resources and consumes a long time. Feature selection plays a significant role in choosing the best features only that describe the target concept optimally during a classification process. However, when handling a large number of features the selecting such relevant features becomes a difficult task. Therefore, this paper proposes Enhanced BPSO using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) and correlation–based (CFS) classical statistical feature selection approach to solve the problem on BPSO feature selection. The selected feature subset has evaluated on Deep Neural Networks (DNN) classifiers and the new flow-based CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset. Experimental results have shown a high accuracy of 95% based on processing time, detection rate, and false alarm rate compared with other benchmark classifiers.


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How to Cite

R. I. . Farhan, A. T. . Maolood, and N. . Hassan, “Hybrid Feature Selection Approach to Improve the Deep Neural Network on New Flow-Based Dataset for NIDS”, WJCMS, pp. 49–61, Mar. 2021, doi: 10.31185/wjcm.Vol1.Iss1.10.